44. Sheet pile walls Part 1

ملفات و تفريغ محاضرات مادة ميكانيكا التربة و الأساسات لكلية الهندسة قسم مدني
إليكم عنوانين و ترتيب المحاضرات :
Soil & Foundation

1.soil formation.PDF
2.soil properties .PDF
3.soil properties cont..PDF
4.soil classification.PDF
5.soil classification cont..PDF
8.permeability cont..PDF
11.seepage cont..PDF
12.seepage cont..PDF
13.seepage cont..PDF
14.seepage cont..PDF
15.effective stress.PDF
17.cosoledation cont..PDF
18.shear strenth.PDF
19.shear strenth cont..PDF
20.lateral earth pressure.PDF
21.lateral earth pressure cont..PDF
22.lateral earth pressure cont..PDF
23.stability of slopes.PDF
24.stress distrbution in soil mass.PDF
25. bearing capacity of shallow foundation Part 1.PDF
26. bearing capacity of shallow foundation Part 2.pdf
27. bearing capacity of shallow foundation Part 3.PDF
28. bearing capacity of shallow foundation Part 4.PDF
29. bearing capacity of shallow foundation Part 5.PDF
30. Bearing capacity of piles Part 1.PDF
31. bearing capacity of piles part 2 .PDF
32. bearing capacity of piles part 3.PDF
33. design of shallow foundation(isolated and wall strap).PDF
34. design of shallow foundation (rectangular combined footing).PDF
35. design of shallow foundation(strap).PDF
36. design of shallow foundation(raft).PDF
37. design of deep foundation (pile capes).PDF
38. Settlement Part 1.PDF
39. Settlement Part 2.PDF
40. Braced excavation & Diagram walls.PDF
41. Dewatering.PDF
42. Reinforced earth &cofferdam.PDF
43. Design of retaining walls.PDF
44. Sheet pile walls Part 1.PDF
45. Sheet pile walls Part 2.PDF

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